What a Nice! Day…

A short while ago I was chosen to host a Walgreens Nice! Shopping Made Easy House Party.  If you have never heard of House Party, please see this post for detailed information and how to join.  I’ll bet you would love to join if you enjoy testing out FREE products.  Who wouldn’t enjoy that?  I have hosted several different types of parties and it has been awesome!  If you have any questions about House Party send me an email (myhighestself@gmail.com) and I will be happy to help.  Anyway, here’s the party pack I received today:

Yes, today was a pretty good day for the mail!  I was irritated that the Fed Ex guy left not one but two packages outside my door today, one at the front and one at the back.  They were sitting out there for more than three hours, grrrr.

I also FINALLY received my Limited Edition Journal for Oprah’s Life Class that I signed up for on August 17, 2011.  Yes, I keep track of those things.  Even though Oprah’s Life Class has been over for quite a while now, I’m still grateful for the journal.  It’s very nice and was actually worth the wait.  Thanks Oprah!

I also heard that some of you have received your FREE Hydro Silk Razor in the mail and it comes with an excellent coupon for $4.00 off Hydro Silk refills!  Yes, now that’s what I’m talking about.  Why are razors so expensive??  It’s one of life’s many mysteries, in my opinion.  If you have not signed up to get your FREE razor, please do it now before this ends.

Another great program I’d like to remind you about is BzzAgent.  This is another company I have worked with for a few years and have tested out so many products free of charge.  Please see these posts for more on BzzAgent and how to sign up.  If you have any questions about BzzAgent please email me (myhighestself@gmail.com) and I will be happy to help!

I hope you are all doing well, sorry for the many topics of this post but I hope that the information is of good use.  Let me know if you decide to sign up for any of these programs, or have any thoughts you’d like to share.  I would love to hear from you :).

P.S.  Please follow this blog on my brand new Facebook page, many thanks!  If your blog has a Facebook page, please leave the link in a comment below and I will do the same for you.

About Tina B

Tina is the Founder & Editor of My Highest Self. She has a passion for sharing all things beauty and fashion including thorough product reviews, new product news, and giveaways with her readers. She is a coffee-fanatic and mom of two beautiful children. Her idea of fun usually involves a home pedicure, facial, and a stack of magazines. She is a firm believer in positive thinking, karma, and manifesting your own highest self! Comment or send me a message, I would love to hear from you!
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4 Responses to What a Nice! Day…

  1. brianna dale says:

    I too received my Oprah’s lifeclass book. I love House parties, haven’t been chosen in a while but have done several parties and it’s a blast!! Not sure I’m doing BzzAgent propertly, I never get requests or emails to review anything. Thanks for all the info.


    • Tina B says:

      Hi Brianna! Glad you stopped by, so cool to know others who are involved in House Party, etc. How long have you been on BzzAgent? I’ve been doing it for a couple of year and over the past couple months they have radically changed everything. I just try to make sure I log in every couple days and go to the Survey section and complete anything available. I think from there, it’s all up to the powers that be to send the invites out!

  2. Pingback: Host a Benefit Cosmetics House Party! |

  3. Pingback: Apply to Host a House Party: Redbook Happy Hour |

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